Program Directives

Expectation for all Religious Education Participants:

A. Registered Members of the Saint Monica Parish Community

B. Weekly Sunday Mass Attendance

C. Weekly Attendance at Religious Education Classes

Requirements for beginning the program as are follows:

  • Preschool must be 4 years old before September 1st.
  • Kindergarten children must be 5 years old before September 1st.

(This is in keeping with the East Peoria school system.)

Requirements for receiving the Sacraments are as follows:


Pre-baptismal class for parents. Contact Steve Racki to schedule.


Beyond Infancy:

Four, five, and six year olds. Must be in Program two years: First year experience regular attendance and community concept. Second year begin to catechize at the appropriate level of faith development. Child baptized at the end of the second year. important to begin at Pre-School or Kindergarten level if possible.

Beyond Second Grade.

Catechesis involves preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation. Process requires special attention. Child attends sessions outside regular classroom grade level until basic faith experience is achieved (approximately two years). and then is integrated into the appropriate grade level. Sacraments of Initiation are celebrated at end of that time.


Pre-baptismal class for parents. Contact Steve Racki to schedule.


Catechesis for students beyond second grade requires attendance at special sessions outside their regular classroom level. However. the preparation is for Reconciliation and First Communion only. This process requires two years with celebration of the Sacraments at the end of the second year.

First Eucharist and First Reconciliation:

Children must be in the program two years prior to receiving the Sacraments of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. These Sacraments are normally received at the 2nd grade level.

Note: If child enters the program at 2nd grade level in school, they will be asked to begin in the 1st grade level in Religious Education Program. They would then advance to 2nd grade level the second year and receive Sacraments. etc.


All students second grade and beyond are catechized and encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation with their families during the Parish Advent and Lenten services.


Confirmation will be set in accordance with a diocesan mandate requiring 40 candidates in order to have the Sacrament celebrated in our parish. Students must complete 7th & 8th grade levels of the program if not attending a Catholic Junior High School. New students entering as 8th graders will be expected to begin at the 7th grade level in the Religious Education Program. Confirmation will ordinarily be celebrated in the spring. Without 40 students, it will be celebrated with other parishes at the Cathedral in Peoria.

A schedule for the Confirmation preparation classes for all candidates will be sent to them at least the semester before they begin. All students are required to attend preparation sessions prior to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, even those attending Catholic Junior High School. This is a time for learning or reviewing the basics of the Catholic Faith, a time to start thinking and acting as a fully initiated member of the Church.

Students will maintain their attendance at regular Sunday morning classes plus additional contact with Confirmation class if deemed necessary by the Director.

Mandates from the Diocese of Peoria require that students participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, attend a retreat specifically for Confirmation Candidates, be interviewed by the pastor or his designated replacement (DRE), investigate the saint whose name they will embrace for the Sacrament, and perform service activities with a display of those activities prior to the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Following Confirmation, the newly confirmed are expected to keep their Confirmation commitment by attending Mass and maintaining contact with the parish. It is to be desired that they accept the responsibilities for a ministry in the parish no later than the beginning of the next semester of the school year.


Time and Place are as follows:

All grades, Pre-School through 8th, are held at St. Monica Parish Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. following the Sunday Morning Mass.

Attendance is a vital component to the learning process we are developing. Therefore, children who are absent from class must be excused by note to the catechist from the parents, by phone call to the catechist, or by phone call to the Religious Education office in the hall at 309-699-8458 or 309-694-2061 Ext.3. Three unexcused absences will be reason for dismissal from the program.